baby blog · Beauty · Make up · motherhood · mum · Mum blog · Parent blogger · parenting

This Is Me

Before I had a became a mum, I never left the house with my hair up. Never. I always wore it down so I could hide behind it. Tying my hair up made me so self conscious of my bad skin and just my face in general. As I’ve said before in a previous post,… Continue reading This Is Me

Babies · motherhood · parenting · Weaning

Weaning: Or How My Baby Became A Bottomless Pit

We first started weaning Teddy back in May when he was just 5 months old. Milk just wasn’t enough for him and he was showing all the signs of wanting solid foods: watching us eat, not getting full up with milk and he was able to sit up by himself. I was terrified at first… Continue reading Weaning: Or How My Baby Became A Bottomless Pit